Arbonum Support Center

How do I invite or remove a freelancer to / from Arbonum?

There are two ways to invite freelancers:

For an individual invitation you need:

  1. In your personal account, in the Freelancers section, click on the Invite performer button;
  2. Specify the email of the freelancer;
  3. Specify additional information in the field "Feature", if necessary;
  4. To send an invitation in English, activate the Send invitation in English checkbox;
  5. Click the Send invitation button.

To invite a team you need:

  1. In your personal account, in the Freelancers section, click on the Bulk invitation button;
  2. Download an example file;
  3. Fill in information about the freelancer in a file (.xls format). Be sure to fill in the email cells.

The values of the remaining cells in the file:

fname - name;
sname - surname;
phone - phone number of the freelancer without the "+" sign;
specialization_code - specialization code;
invite_in_english - send an email for registration in English. 1 - yes; 0 - no
note - a note about the artist (up to 50 characters). In the future, it will be reflected in the card and the general list of freelancers

    4. Select a file and upload it.

To remove a Freelancer:

  1. Click on the Actions button;
  2. Select Exclude.